division of AdvaCare Pharma USA


How to treat a sprain in the first steps

What is a sprain and what are the causes of a sprain?

Multiple bundles of fibers form tissues, and joints are held together and supported by strong bands of tissues. Every joint is enclosed inside a membrane consisting of lubricating synovial fluid, which nourishes the joint and provides extra cushioning against any physical impact. A sprain is a joint injury that mostly involves minor tears of ligaments and joint capsule. The most common sites for sprains are the thumb, ankle and wrist. Furthermore, the pain caused by sprain or strain might vary in intensity.


Common Symptoms of a Sprain

The symptoms of a sprain are very similar to when people break their bones. These symptoms include: pain, swelling, bruising, and inability to move and bear weight on the joint. However, it is not certain to have all of the mentioned symptoms when a sprain or strain occurs
So, here are the first steps anyone can take after having a sprain without profound medical knowledge. Wait! The first thing is first, the most important step for most injuries is precaution obviously.
1.First aid for sprain: stop the activity, which caused the sprain, and follow the RICE procedure.
RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate.

    1. Having enough rest is the first key to help all the strains and sprains. An injured patient might need to keep weight off for a day or two depending on where the injury is. If the level of the pain is severe, the patient is recommended to go to a hospital or medical facility as soon as possible.
    1. Applying ice or any cold object to the injured site is the second key to prevent swelling and pain. For the first 24 hours after a minor sprain or strain, apply a cold compress for 20 to 30 minutes; then, remove it for 20- 30 minutes, and re-apply the ice or cold compress for 20 to 30 minutes throughout the day. Don’t apply heat or use hot objects on the injured area because it may make the swelling worse
    1. Compressing the sprain or strain with a bandage or wrap is the third step to keep the injured area protected and supported. Wrap the joint tight enough so that the joint doesn’t get extra damage. However, avoid wrapping too tight where your limb or injured site gets numb or tingly. For the best support and flexibility, use an elastic bandage. If you are not sure how to wrap or what type of wrap to use, ask a doctor or pharmacist.
  1. Elevate the sprained joint above the heart, if possible, because it helps minimize the swelling. It is recommended to elevate the injured part 2 to 3 hours for 2 to 3 days.

If the pain appears to be very severe, go to hospital or any medical center because the sprain can be both a minor or severe injury Can sprains be prevented? Of course they can be prevented as sprains are injuries caused by physical motion.

  1.     Maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet to strong sustain the muscles.
  2.     Avoid being overweight.
  3.     Wear shoes that fit well.
  4.     Make muscles flexible by stretching daily.
  5.     If you participate in an intensive sport or activity, use a flexible wrap or bandage around the joint.

About Us

StayGuard™ Sking & Wound Care, a registered brand of AdvaCare™ Pharma, is an internationally recognized manufacturer of a wide range of skin and wound care products. From bandages to first aid kits, we only offer variety of high quality and cost-efficient wound care products in order to provide better care for the consumers. Looking for supported items for sprains? Inquire with us today!

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